Anna Stookey, MA, MFT, CHt.
Anna Stookey, MA, MFT, CHt.
Creative Counseling for the Body, Mind & Spirit

Group Therapy:
Group Therapy:
My groups can help you develop rich support and perspective from others with similar issues. They're less expensive than individual therapy and are interactive, heartfelt and purposeful. Usually weekly hour and a half sessions. $100 per session. Requires an initial interview.
Call or fill out the 'contact me' form to schedule a free initial consultation.
Groups currently running or forming:
Groups currently running or forming:
Women's Sacred Wisdom Support Group (weekly)--For women of all ages seeking to find deeper meaning and purpose in their lives. We will explore a different theme each week that brings you closer to who you are and what you want in your life, work and relationships. A combination of deep listening, support and processing of thoughts and feelings in a safe space. Time varies with each group; call for details
Therapist Wisdom & Self-Reflection Consultation Group (weekly)--A therapist consultation group to explore how our spiritual work and practices inform our work as therapists; and awareness around what is helpful, what may not be, and how our work pushes us to reflect and transform ourselves if considered with a wise mind and compassionate heart. A combination of sharing, support, suggested readings and some experiential/guided practices.
Love Your Body, Love Your Self (weekly)--10-week group reconnecting you to your body through unique and creative exercises, support and sharing. Great for anyone struggling with body image, eating issues, and self-esteem, as well as survivors of trauma, chronic pain or illness. A healthier relationship to your body creates a healthier relationship with your life! Time varies with each group; call for details.
Living With Chronic Illness (weekly)-- a combination of support, sharing and bodymind practices for those living with chronic illness of all forms.Time varies with each group; call for details.

I look foward to speaking with you about my groups!
Creative Counseling For the Body, Mind & Spirit
ONLINE & Hancock Park/Larchmont adj., between Crenshaw and Rossmore
4221 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90010